New Autodesk Maya Software Review 2023


We use Autodesk Maya to create 3D materials for use in movies, television shows, video games, and advertising. The software was first made available for the IRIX operating system.

With the help of the extremely powerful Autodesk Maya program, you can make some breathtaking environments, animations, and effects. Because its effective usage demands specialist knowledge, this program is only for professionals. 

Autodesk Maya Review

With Autodesk Maya 2019, you may load a current project to modify it or start a new one from the beginning with all the tools you need. It has a very well-balanced, user-friendly interface. There are numerous buttons, menus, and toolbars on the interface. There are several toolsets for scene animation features, 3D surface modeling and texturing, as well as extremely complex effects. This program works with a variety of file types, including scene files, vectors, geometry, and digital photos. This program consumes a lot of system resources.

Autodesk Maya tutorial

Suppose you have a passion for 3D and want to begin creating characters and things. It’s time to understand Autodesk Maya. It is the most popular 3D program. We review methods to model characters, generate materials and lights, and render a scene. Furthermore, we totally walk you through how to use all of Maya’s tools from the start. This tutorial is ideal for complete beginners.

Step 1: Make a new project

Firstly create a new project. Simply select File > Project Window to do this. From there, select “New” and enter all the project information you require, along with the folder where you want to locate the project. Within the selected folder, Autodesk Maya will automatically generate the required folder architecture. You must now create a new scene after finishing your assignment. Choose File > New Scene to get started. It saves itself immediately to the scenes folder.

To get started, create your project and a related scenario. Autodesk Maya

Step 2: The Basics of Modelling

We can do Modeling in two major ways. The first is polygonal, whereas the second is NURBS. Our attention is polygonal.  Apparently, polygonal modeling refers to the process of creating a model from a collection of polygons. Faces, edges, and vertices make up polygons. A solid’s face is its flat side. A vertex is a point at the end of an edge, and an edge is where two faces of a solid meet.

Basics of modelling in Autodesk Maya

Step 3: Starting with a Primitive

Typically, any modeling exercise starts with the creation of a primitive. This is a shape, such as a cube or a cylinder that serves as the foundation for your model. By selecting Create > Polygon Primitive > Cube, let’s begin with a cube. There are 6 faces, 12 edges, and 8 vertices in this cube. If you like then you can make other primitives, such as planes, spheres, and cylinders.

Starting with a Primitive---Autodesk Maya

 Step 4: Model Attributes

After creating a primitive, we may then modify its attributes. As a result, we will able to further alter the primitive to make it suitable for editing into the desired model. By choosing the object and choosing “Model attributes,” you can modify the primitive’s attributes. You can use Ctrl+A to restore them if they become invisible. We can examine how changing the properties affects the primitive in your viewport by looking through the attributes.

Model Attributes-- Autodesk Maya

Step 5: Transforming your Object

You’ll probably want to transform your object once you’ve chosen it. Move, Rotate, and Scale are the three primary transform tools. I hope they explain themselves quite clearly! Using the “Universal Manipulator” is the simplest way to get access to these tools. This creates a useful tool that incorporates the move, rotate and scale tools. Simply press Ctrl+T to display the manipulator. The manipulator handles all three sorts of transformations, which are also color-coded according to the axis they are affecting. Please take note that the sub-object mode is another option for doing these modifications.

 Transforming your Object--Autodesk Maya

Step 6: Using Hotbox

The hotbox is fantastic! You may bring it up by holding down the space bar when inside a view and it contains every operation that is available inside the Maya interface. Keep in mind that the hotbox only stays visible while you hold down the space bar. Compared to going through the main menus or searching for activities that may tuck away in a hidden area of the UI, this saves a ton of time.

Using Hotbox-Autodesk Maya

Step 7: Duplicate objects

Frequently, you’ll want to duplicate some sections of your scenario. This is quite practical and we can do it for both single and many objects. Press Ctrl+D to complete the action. We can see replicas of the objects in the exact same location. Time savings is one of the key advantages of object duplication. If you’ve made something for a specific use and now you need something quite similar for another use. Instead of beginning from scratch, just clone the item, make your corrections, and you have your new, original object.

Duplicate objects-Autodesk Maya

Step 8: Modeling Toolkit

You will require the “Modeling toolkit” to create your 3D models. We can open it by clicking the button in the top right corner of the screen, and it has several tools for customizing your model. You can define whatever portion of the model you wish to select and alter in the toolkit’s first section. Along with faces, this also includes elements like vertices and edges. Once you’ve made your choice, you can select an option like “Extrude” to move faces away from their existing position.

Modeling Toolkit

Step 9: Duplicate Special

Use the “Duplicate Special” option when designing models with a lot of duplication to avoid ripping your hair out! With the help of this tool, which is available from the edit menu, you may define the details of your replicated object. Along with other characteristics, you can specify the quantity and whether they are copies or instances. Keep in mind that any instanced duplicates depend on one another. It follows that any changes you make to one will reflect on the other.

Duplicate Special-

Step 10: Another method of creation

You have the option to start from a location other than primitives by using a tool named “Create Polygon.” We can access it by choosing “Mesh Tools” from the modeling menu set, followed by “Create Polygon.” We can choose from a variety of parameters for defining the polygon in this way. Including the number of divisions and specifics about UVs, which you can use to map textures to your objects.

Create Polygon-

Pro Tip: Snapping

Learning how to use snaps is a crucial component of any modeling workflow. You can either snap your selection—think vertex or edge—to the grid or to model points. To snap to the grid, press the shortcut key “X,” and to snap to the points, press “C.”


Video Tutorial for Autodesk Maya

In the post’s upper half, I briefly covered how we can use Autodesk Maya software to create 3D models. Here is a playlist of Autodesk Maya software training videos. You’ll go on to the next level of design once you’ve achieved it.

You can read our previous article by clicking on this Link

Free Download Autodesk Maya Software

We can install Windows operating system totally offline using this standalone installer. This would work with Windows 64-bit and 32-bit. It is a completely free edition. Just click the link below to get it and start your freelance career.


A variety of animation, simulation, and modeling capabilities are available in Autodesk Maya software. We can use it for character development, virtual reality, UV maps, low poly, and motion graphics. The video game industry uses a lot of this 3D software. Thanks to a vast selection of texturing choices, we may use it to create realistically detailed people and surroundings.

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